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What Features Make Government Buildings Stand Out?

From the gold-clad domes of the U.S. Capitol Building to the grandeur of the White House, government buildings are often the most recognizable and awe-inspiring structures in any city. But what exactly makes these structures stand out? In this blog, Neenan will provide four of the most distinctive features of government buildings and why they are so iconic. 

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Grandiose Features 

The first feature that makes government buildings stand out is the use of grandiose architecture. Government buildings often feature majestic architecture that is designed to project a message of power and authority. From the columns of the Parthenon to the domes of the Capitol, government buildings often feature an impressive scale and intricate designs to communicate the strength and importance of the government.

Distinguished Material

The second feature that makes government buildings stand out is their unique construction materials. Government buildings often use distinctive materials to differentiate them from other buildings. For example, the White House is constructed from a unique type of white sandstone, while the U.S. Capitol Building features a dome made of solid cast iron. These materials help to create a more impressive, unique look that stands out from other structures.

Location, Location, Location

The third feature that makes government buildings stand out is their location. Government buildings are often placed in prominent locations in major cities, serving as a visual reminder of the power of the government. For example, the White House is located in the heart of Washington, DC, and serves as a symbol of the United States government.

Presenting Values & Ideas

 Symbolism is the fourth and final feature that makes government buildings stand out. Government buildings often feature symbols and artwork that represent the values and ideals of the government. From the Statue of Liberty to the Capitol Building, government buildings feature artwork and symbols that represent the nation’s history, culture, and values.


Altogether, these four features make government buildings stand out. They are symbols of a nation’s pride and power, and they have the ability to inspire and impress. Government buildings are truly a sight to behold. Therefore, Neenan is the right choice for building and designing any civic building! Call to schedule a client meeting today!

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