Tips to Choose the Best Architectural Design Firm
When you were a kid, odds are, you drew a house as a square with a triangular roof. You then put some windows, added a door, and put a happy family inside. When it comes to architectural design, the process is a bit more complicated than that. Here at Neenan Archistruction®, we have a tried and true design/build process that our customers love. Below, we’ll go over some tips on how to choose the best architectural design firm for you, and call us if you are looking for a Fort Collins-based architecture firm today!
Check Out Their Past Work
The past work of an architectural design firm will speak volumes about their future work. It will give you a good idea about their design style and tastes, as well as techniques and architectural details that matter. Does something in their work speak to you? Do you love the overall function of their commercial, healthcare, education, or government designs? Let these answers help guide your decision.
Interview Your Architecture and Construction Candidates
Once you’ve narrowed down your search list for architectural design firms, set up a time to meet with them to discuss your project. Most reputable firms offer free consultations, and you can gauge a lot about an architectural firm’s passion and customer service from this first interaction with them.
Scope Out Their Design/Construction Process
Let’s face it, time is money, and when you are in need of a new commercial, healthcare, education, or government building or addition, the sooner the better. Here at Neenan Archistruction®, we’ve developed a unique approach to design and construction over the past 45 years in business that we have termed Archistruction®. This Collaborative Design Process involves you, the customer, at every step with the goal of creating a functional, beautiful space you will love for years to come.
Go With Your Gut
At the end of the day, what matters most is who you believe will do the best job on your architectural design and construction process and who fits the best with you and your vision. For the most part, this is a feeling. After you’ve done your due diligence and narrowed down the candidates, what’s left is your gut. And, most often, it’s never wrong.
Neenan Archistruction® is passionate about bringing you the best commercial, healthcare, education, or government buildings in the Fort Collins, Denver, Cheyenne areas, and nationwide. Our architects are some of the best in the business, and our construction project managers understand what it takes to bring a project from start to finish on-time and on-budget. Get in touch to schedule a conversation today!