Commercial Building Projects
“It’s not about the building — it’s about what the building enables you to do.” This is the unwavering belief that is held at The Neenan Company. It’s our primary job to help you achieve your business goals and enjoy the outcome of your project and day-to-day usage of your commercial building. This belief is built into the Neenan DNA and drives our Archistruction™ process every step of the way.
When you are getting ready to start a new building or architectural project, get in touch with Neenan. We will collaborate with you throughout your project and make sure you are getting a building that enables you to achieve your goals every day. Whether you are creating a concert venue, an office space, a medical facility, a government building, or any other type of building project, The Neenan Company has you covered! Read on to learn more about our commercial building process and philosophy, and get in touch with our team to start discussing your next project.
In the early stages of your project, you will need two unique assessments. The first is an assessment of your current space, and the second is an assessment of the property you are planning to buy. At Neenan, we can quickly assess your site layout, space needs, and facility flow to validate your project. We know that it can seem exciting to move into a huge new building with lots of features, but our team will help you to determine the feasibility and big picture view of your potential project. From small tenant finishes, maker-focused developments, historic renovations, offices, and manufacturing facilities, Neenan can help you improve your workplace and build wealth with a facility investment! We know what works and how to maximize the potential of any space, so we will work to make your aspirations and dreams into a reality that works and feels incredible.
Planning, Design, and Predevelopment
When we are working on your project, we will always keep in mind that this is indeed your project. That means we will always be asking for feedback and collaborating with you, the owner, to make sure our designs and plans will meet your needs and exceed your expectations. In many cases, construction and architecture companies get too lost on what is best for them that they forget the most important part of the project — giving the client a beautiful, functional finished product. When you choose Neenan, you will experience inclusivity like never before thanks to our Archestruction™ process. All of your designers and planners will work in the same space, and will be collaborating with you at scheduled intervals to provide you with updates and ask questions.
Get Started With Your Own Project Today
Are you ready to begin working on your own commercial building project? Contact the team at The Neenan Company to begin consultation and planning for your dream building. We always look forward to working with new clients, and we love making your aspirations and visions into a reality.