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Front of school yellow arching beams
Cafeteria with Garage door
Small table in room
roof outside
stone bleachers
3d art model of school
Long couch
Wall with pictures

Mapleton School District

Mapleton Public Schools

A series of partnerships and projects have tied The Neenan Company with Mapleton Public Schools. The $40 million Building Excellent Schools Today (BEST) Grant was approved in June of 2010 for the Skyview Campus revival. This approval is the result of extensive master planning with the District and the community. Many small campus upgrades have been designed and built by The Neenan Company over the past decade.

Skyview Campus and York International:

Currently under construction, these are small choice schools, each with a specific specialty. The specialties include early college, art-based, science/technology, K-8 learning, and schools to teach teachers. The opportunity is to develop the buildings based on the specialized curriculum.


Working with the curriculum and school, the design theme is creating unique learning spaces including:

-Think tanks for students with soft seating, computers, and drawing studios for student collaboration and innovation

-Open science rooms
-Shared science and math rooms
-Project labs that can be used for art or science
-Resources available to students the corridors

Mapleton Public Schools operate with the belief that you must create a culture where students are trusted and empowered.

Square Footage:

104,000 (Two Schools)


Monte Vista, CO